the following describe internal states of symptoms except

c. Few people in the United States remain untouched by the recent opioid epidemic. The brain waves associated with REM sleep, outlined in the red box in (a), look very similar to those seen (b) during wakefulness. Historically, heroin has been a major opioid drug of abuse (Figure 4.17). For example, body temperature fluctuates cyclically over a 24-hour period (Figure 4.2). Signs and Symptoms | Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC In addition, these drugs can cause feelings of anxiety, hallucinations, and paranoia (Fiorentini et al., 2011). As you have learned, drugs can act as agonists or antagonists of a given neurotransmitter system. While it is probably the most commonly used drug in the world, the potency of this particular drug pales in comparison to the other stimulant drugs described in this section. Infants should not have caps placed on their heads when put down to sleep in order to prevent overheating, and people in the childs household should abstain from smoking in the home. Meditationis the act of focusing on a single target (such as the breath or a repeated sound) to increase awareness of the moment. Jet lag is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. Sleep is characterized by certain patterns of activity of the brain that can be visualized using electroencephalography (EEG), and different phases of sleep can be differentiated using EEG as well. Like NREM sleep, REM has been implicated in various aspects of learning and memory (Wagner, Gais, & Born, 2001; Siegel, 2001). While disruptions in circadian rhythms can have negative consequences, there are things we can do to help us realign our biological clocks with the external environment. During periods of emotional arousal, the woman complained that she felt some weakness on the right side of her body. Like many other stimulants, cocaine agonizes the dopamine neurotransmitter system by blocking the reuptake of dopamine in the neuronal synapse. This disorder is associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease. Until recently, the United States Department of Justice routinely arrested people involved and seized marijuana used in medicinal settings. d. the gender gap between male and female life expectancy has increased. How exactly does a hypnotist bring a participant to a state of hypnosis? Vaping as a means to deliver nicotine is becoming increasingly popular, especially among teens and young adults. Peritonitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Dopamine activity is often associated with reward and craving; therefore, drugs that affect dopamine neurotransmission often have abuse liability. Words To Describe Symptoms | Adjectives For Symptoms - SearchSentences Psychological dependence on these drugs is also possible. Sore throat. Methamphetamine in its smokable form, often called crystal meth due to its resemblance to rock crystal formations, is highly addictive. Perhaps our ancestors spent extended periods of time asleep to reduce attention to themselves from potential predators. Common definitions of health include: a. optimal weight and endurance. Ahallucinogenis one of a class of drugs that results in profound alterations in sensory and perceptual experiences (Figure 4.18). Clonazepam, an anti-anxiety medication with sedative properties, is most often used to treat RBD. You have read that sleep is distinguished by low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness. Feeling tired. In some cases, users experience vivid visual hallucinations. Although she did not experience any dream-like hallucinations, she was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a result of sleep testing. This treatment option has proven to be effective for people suffering from mild to severe cases of sleep apnea (McDaid et al., 2009). This chapter will discuss states of consciousness with a particular emphasis on sleep. The decade from 20102019 brought many changes in laws regarding marijuana. Upon admission to an outpatient clinic for treatment of mood disorders, she met all of the diagnostic criteria for substance dependence and was advised to dramatically limit her caffeine intake. As already mentioned, the hypothalamus contains the SCNthe biological clock of the bodyin addition to other nuclei that, in conjunction with the thalamus, regulate slow-wave sleep. Ethanol, which we commonly refer to as alcohol, is in a class of psychoactive drugs known as depressants (Figure 4.15). Some people also experience altered states of consciousness through meditation, hypnosis, or alcohol and other drugs. There is a trend that females report more somatic symptoms than males; thus, more females are diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder than males (APA, 2022). Sleep deprivation, in general, is associated with a number of negative consequences (Brown, 2012). Among a variety of neurobiological evidence, John Hobson cites research on lucid dreams as an opportunity to better understand dreaming in general. Primary signs and symptoms of Ebola often include some or several of the following: Fever. Rapid eye movement (REM)sleep is characterized by darting movements of the eyes under closed eyelids. Sleep debt and sleep deprivation have significant negative psychological and physiological consequencesFigure 4.5. This figure illustrates some of the negative consequences of sleep deprivation. While we have discussed the negative outcomes associated with sleep deprivation, it should be pointed out that there are many benefits that are associated with adequate amounts of sleep. Hypnosis in conjunction with other techniques is used for a variety of therapeutic purposes and has shown to be at least somewhat effective for pain management, treatment of depression and anxiety, smoking cessation, and weight loss (Alladin, 2012; Elkins, Johnson, & Fisher, 2012; Golden, 2012; Montgomery, Schnur, & Kravits, 2012). REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)occurs when the muscle paralysis associated with the REM sleep phase does not occur. That is why individuals suffering from sleep deprivation can also put themselves and others at risk when they put themselves behind the wheel of a car or work with dangerous machinery. Contrary to popular belief, individuals undergoing hypnosis usually have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are in control of their own behaviors. Our sleep-wake cycle, which is linked to our environments natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature. The axons of light-sensitive neurons in the retina provide information to the SCN based on the amount of light present, allowing this internal clock to be synchronized with the outside world (Klein, Moore, & Reppert, 1991; Welsh, Takahashi, & Kay, 2010) (Figure 4.3). They can be helpful for people working night shifts or for people affected by seasonal variations in light. Drug use disorders are addictive disorders, and the criteria for specific substance (drug) use disorders are described in DSM-5. EVERYDAY CONNECTION: Solutions to Support Healthy Sleep, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Chronic insomnia is almost always associated with feeling overtired and may be associated with symptoms of depression. Cocaine can be taken in multiple ways. Interestingly, since the advent of electric light, the amount of sleep that people get has declined. Complete the following multiple choice quiz covering chapters 1, 6, and 9. As a group, hallucinogens are incredibly varied in terms of the neurotransmitter systems they affect. It may surprise you to know that sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress hormones, and reduced immune functioning (Banks & Dinges, 2007). One complete menstrual cycle takes about 28 daysa lunar monthbut many biological cycles are much shorter. More specifically, homeostasis is the body's tendency to monitor and maintain internal states, such as temperature and blood sugar, at fairly constant and stable levels. The pons is important for regulating rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (National Institutes of Health, n.d.). Identifying Internal States of the Brain | Technology Networks Acontinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)device includes a mask that fits over the sleepers nose and mouth, which is connected to a pump that pumps air into the persons airways, forcing them to remain open, as shown inFigure 4.13. While there is tremendous variation in any given individuals sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) cites research to estimate that newborns require the most sleep (between 12 and 18 hours a night) and that this amount declines to just 79 hours by the time we are adults. Thus we sleep in safe areas to reduce the chance of harm. While cognitive deficits may be the most obvious, many body systems are negatively impacted by lack of sleep. She indicated that she had fallen asleep at inappropriate or dangerous times, including while eating, while socializing with friends, and while driving her car. This pattern of temperature fluctuation, which repeats every day, is one example of a circadian rhythm. Test 1: Quizes 1-4 Flashcards | Adepressantis a drug that tends to suppress central nervous system activity. People who suffer from this disorder can injure themselves or their sleeping partners when engaging in these behaviors. This will be followed by brief descriptions of the effects of some of the more well-known drugs commonly used today. Physical dependenceinvolves changes in normal bodily functionsthe user will experience withdrawal from the drug upon cessation of use. Psychology 2e by Openstax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. . Thus, opioid drugs, which mimic this endogenous painkilling mechanism, have an extremely high potential for abuse. Recommendations like these have helped to decrease the number of infant deaths from SIDS in recent years (Mitchell, 2009; Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2011). Participants were told they would not feel pain, but they could press a button if they did; while they reported not feeling pain, they did, in fact, press the button, suggesting a dissociation of consciousness while in the hypnotic state (Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994). In terms of brain wave activity, stage 1 sleep is associated with both alpha and theta waves. The substantial amount of research on SIDS has led to a number of recommendations to parents to protect their children (Figure 4.14). High doses can cause death due to respiratory depression. Has something like this ever happened to you? 23. When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or the demands of day-to-day life, they accumulate a sleep debt. As one of their mechanisms of action, cocaine and amphetamines block the reuptake of dopamine from the synapse into the presynaptic cell. Stage 2 sleep is characterized by the appearance of both sleep spindles and K-complexes. The crisis actually began in the 1990s, when pharmaceutical companies began mass-marketing pain-relieving opioid drugs like OxyContin with the promise (now known to be false) that they were non-addictive. Sleep-wake cycles seem to be controlled by multiple brain areas acting in conjunction with one another. Quiz 1.docx - PSY-352 Health Psychology Quiz 1 Complete the following c. absence of subjective symptoms of disease. Not surprisingly, insomnia treatment may take one of several different approaches. Manifest contentis the actual content, or storyline, of a dream. c. are influenced by peer pressure, often leading to unhealthful or unsafe behaviors. Body temperature rises throughout the waking day, peaking in the afternoon, and falls during sleep with the lowest point occurring during the very early morning hours. (2005) found that sleepwalking was not alleviated with the use of benzodiazepines. While individuals suffering from sleep apnea may not be aware of these repeated disruptions in sleep, they do experience increased levels of fatigue. Upset stomach and vomiting. (b) Heroin is cooked on a spoon over a candle. The internal state of an object is the set of all its attributes' values. While medical marijuana laws have been passed on a state-by-state basis, federal laws still classify this as an illicit substance, making conducting research on the potentially beneficial medicinal uses of marijuana problematic. In addition, sleep deprivation often results in depression-like symptoms. We also alter our consciousness through the use of various psychoactive drugs. 3. Instead, sleep is composed of several different stages that can be differentiated from one another by the patterns of brain wave activity that occur during each stage. In other words, physical dependence in and of itself is of limited utility in determining whether or not someone has a substance use disorder. Think meditation might help? Upon a search of the premises, police found blood-stained clothes and a bloody knife in the trunk of Falaters car, and he had blood stains on his neck. Psychological dependence, or drug craving, is a recent addition to the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder in DSM-5. High doses can induce sleep, cause motor disturbance, memory loss, decreased respiratory function, and death. The clock sets itself with light information received through projections from the retina. One way that this happens involves traveling across multiple time zones. While people are often unaware of their sleep apnea, they are keenly aware of some of the adverse consequences of insufficient sleep. We experience different states of consciousness and different levels of awareness on a regular basis. The typical episode can last from a minute or two to half an hour. The first stage of NREM sleep is known as stage 1 sleep. Vaping uses battery-powered devices, sometimes called e-cigarettes, that deliver liquid nicotine and flavorings as a vapor. Once she was able to limit her use to less than 12 ounces of soda a day, both her mental and physical health gradually improved. Drug withdrawal is usually an aversive experience, and it can be a life-threatening process in individuals who have a long history of very high doses of alcohol and/or barbiturates. Two sleeping children are depicted in this 1895 oil painting titled. Users can experience physical symptoms that include nausea, elevated blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. In fact, ameta-analysis, which is a study that combines the results of many related studies, conducted within the last decade indicates that by the time we are 65 years old, we average fewer than 7 hours of sleep per day (Ohayon, Carskadon, Guilleminault, & Vitiello, 2004). d. respond to illnesses much like the older adults do. Interestingly, individuals who have increased levels of alpha brain wave activity (more often associated with wakefulness and transition into stage 1 sleep) during stage 3 often report that they do not feel refreshed upon waking, regardless of how long they slept (Stone, Taylor, McCrae, Kalsekar, & Lichstein, 2008). Aches and pains, such as severe headache and muscle and joint pain. When we do this, we often experience jet lag. PSY-352 Topic 2 Quiz 1 Online - Which of the following was an advance in science and medicine in the18th and 19th centuries? In this section, we will discuss each of these stages of sleep and their associated patterns of brain wave activity. Freud was not the only theorist to focus on the content of dreams. These individual differences in circadian patterns of activity are known as a persons chronotype, and research demonstrates that morning larks and night owls differ with regard to sleep regulation (Taillard, Philip, Coste, Sagaspe, & Bioulac, 2003). The 20th century Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that dreams allowed us to tap into the collective unconscious. The amount of sleep we get varies across the lifespan. Moreover, these impairments become more severe as the amount of sleep deprivation increases (Alhola & Polo-Kantola, 2007). Central sleep apnea is caused by a failure of the brain to activate the muscles of breathing during sleep. Comparative research indicates, however, that the relationship that exists between predatory risk and sleep is very complex and equivocal. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been demonstrated to be quite effective in treating insomnia (Savard, Simard, Ivers, & Morin, 2005; Williams, Roth, Vatthauer, & McCrae, 2013). Following the initial rush, users experience 46 hours of going on the nod, alternating between conscious and semiconscious states. A few such benefits listed by the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) include maintaining healthy weight, lowering stress levels, improving mood, and increasing motor coordination, as well as a number of benefits related to cognition and memory formation. This campaign is sponsored in part by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. These symptoms usually are opposite of the effects of the drug. For example, withdrawal from sedative drugs often produces unpleasant arousal and agitation. Alertness is associated with higher body temperatures, and sleepiness with lower body temperatures. 22. Therefore, it is important to make a distinction between hypnosis as an empirically based therapeutic approach versus as a form of entertainment. Although individuals suffering from night terrors appear to be awake, they generally have no memories of the events that occurred, and attempts to console them are ineffective. In such instances, the individuals schedule changes so frequently that it becomes difficult for a normal circadian rhythm to be maintained. These same women were awakened during REM sleep in order to provide a detailed account of their dream content. Lucid dreamsare dreams in which certain aspects of wakefulness are maintained during a dream state. Drugwithdrawalincludes a variety of negative symptoms experienced when drug use is discontinued. Caffeine is an adenosine antagonist, so caffeine inhibits the adenosine receptors, thus decreasing sleepiness and promoting wakefulness. Low doses increase relaxation, decrease inhibitions. Scott Falater had a history of regular episodes of sleepwalking as a child, and he had even behaved violently toward his sister once when she tried to prevent him from leaving their home in his pajamas during a sleepwalking episode. Natural opioids, calledopiates, are derivatives of opium, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the poppy plant. The treatment of insomnia likely would include stress management techniques and changes in problematic behaviors that could contribute to insomnia (e.g., spending more waking time in bed). Aside from their utility as analgesic drugs, opioid-like compounds are often found in cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and anti-diarrhea medications. Users often consume the drug every few hours across days-long binges called runs, in which the user forgoes food and sleep. While "internal state" or impulsivity are terms more generally discussed in psychology or neuroscience, the concept is familiar to anyone. These behaviors vary widely, but they can include kicking, punching, scratching, yelling, and behaving like an animal that has been frightened or attacked. Some animals never sleep (e.g., some fish and amphibian species); other animals sleep very little without apparent negative consequences (e.g., giraffes); yet some animals (e.g., rats) die after two weeks of sleep deprivation (Siegel, 2008). Recent research (Horikawa, Tamaki, Miyawaki, & Kamitani, 2013) has uncovered new techniques by which researchers may effectively detect and classify the visual images that occur during dreaming by using fMRI for neural measurement of brain activity patterns, opening the way for additional research in this area. Sleep apnea is defined as a reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep. There is a tremendous amount of variability among sufferers, both in terms of how symptoms of narcolepsy manifest and the effectiveness of currently available treatment options. It may seem counterintuitive that stimulant medications are prescribed to treat a disorder that involves hyperactivity, but the therapeutic effect comes from increases in neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with impulse control. Nicotine exerts its effects through its interaction with acetylcholine receptors. (a) Delta waves, which are low frequency and high amplitude, characterize (b) slow-wave stage 3 and stage 4 sleep. One popular hypothesis of sleep incorporates the perspective of evolutionary psychology. At rather low doses, alcohol use is associated with feelings of euphoria. Awareness of external stimuli includes experiences such as seeing the light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friend. Yarmila Falaters body was found in the familys pool with 44 stab wounds. The following morning, he awoke to barking dogs and unfamiliar voices from downstairs. Infants younger than 12 months appear to be at the highest risk for SIDS, and boys have a greater risk than girls. Methamphetamine addiction produces an intense craving that is difficult to treat. Insudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)an infant stops breathing during sleep and dies. Opioid addiction reached crisis levels in the United States such that by 2019, an average of 130 people diedeach dayof an opioid overdose (NIDA, 2019). Our states of consciousness change as we move from wakefulness to sleep. The participant is encouraged to use his or her imagination. Treatment. In such instances, REM rebound may actually represent an adaptive response to stress in non-depressed individuals by suppressing the emotional salience of aversive events that occurred in wakefulness (Suchecki, Tiba, & Machado, 2012). My sophomore college housemate got so stressed out during finals sophomore year he drank almost a whole bottle of Nyquil to try to fall asleep. How the brain's internal states affect decision-making Repeated use of these stimulants can have significant adverse consequences. Loss of appetite. A person who has a substance use disorder often uses more of the substance than they originally intended to and continues to use that substance despite experiencing significant adverse consequences. Stimulant users seek aeuphoric high, feelings of intense elation and pleasure, especially in those users who take the drug via intravenous injection or smoking. The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. This created a black market for the drug, where prices soared to $80 or more for a single pill. For example, a person may work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, 3:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, and 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. These episodes can last 1020 seconds or longer and often are associated with brief periods of arousal. For example, Hobson (2009) suggests that dreaming may represent a state of protoconsciousness. In the therapeutic setting, a clinician may use relaxation and suggestion in an attempt to alter the thoughts and perceptions of a patient. Research indicates that included among these possible benefits are increased capacities for creative thinking (Cai, Mednick, Harrison, Kanady, & Mednick, 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born, 2004), language learning (Fenn, Nusbaum, & Margoliash, 2003; Gmez, Bootzin, & Nadel, 2006), and inferential judgments (Ellenbogen, Hu, Payne, Titone, & Walker, 2007). Our experiences change dramatically while we are in deep sleep and once again when we are dreaming. These initiatives include increasing access to treatment and recovery services, increasing access to overdose-reversal drugs like Naloxone, and implementing better public health monitoring systems (NIDA, 2019). How does hypnosis work? Rotating shift work has pervasive effects on the lives and experiences of individuals engaged in that kind of work, which is clearly illustrated in stories reported in a qualitative study that researched the experiences of middle-aged nurses who worked rotating shifts (West, Boughton & Byrnes, 2009). As we move intostage 2 sleep, the body goes into a state of deep relaxation. Incentral sleep apnea, disruption in signals sent from the brain that regulate breathing cause periods of interrupted breathing (White, 2005). As a result, many of us sleep less than 78 hours a night and accrue a sleep debt. Stage 1 sleepis a transitional phase that occurs between wakefulness and sleep, the period during which we drift off to sleep. It was getting to the point where it was kind of scary (Henry & Rosenthal, 2013, p. 52). Understanding the impact of sleep on cognitive function should help you understand that cramming all night for a test may be not effective and can even prove counterproductive. People sleep better in cooler temperatures. Beyond being awake or asleep, there are many other states of consciousness people experience. We might even describe consciousness as a continuum that ranges from full awareness to a deep sleep. Evolutionary psychologyis a discipline that studies how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time as a result ofnatural selection. Social programs like Medicare: a - offer health coverage for the older adults 24. Biological rhythmsare internal rhythms of biological activity. Positive Symptoms in Schizophrenia - Verywell Mind However, when a stimulant drug was used in conjunction with a popular antidepressant, her condition improved dramatically. Thecollective unconscious, as described byJung, is a theoretical repository of information he believed to be shared by everyone. Individuals who do rotating shift work are also likely to experience disruptions in circadian cycles. During this time, an individuals heart rate and respiration slow dramatically. Access for free at These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, andinsomnia(i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a months time) (Roth, 2007). Marijuana, LSD, Peyote, mescaline, DMT, dissociative anesthetics including ketamine and PCP, Increased heart rate and blood pressure that may dissipate over time, Mild to intense perceptual changes with high variability in effects based on strain, method of ingestion, and individual differences, Understand what is meant by consciousness, Explain how circadian rhythms are involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, and how circadian cycles can be disrupted, Describe areas of the brain involved in sleep, Understand hormone secretions associated with sleep, Describe several theories aimed at explaining the function of sleep, Differentiate between REM and non-REM sleep, Describe the differences between the three stages of non-REM sleep, Understand the role that REM and non-REM sleep play in learning and memory, Describe the symptoms and treatments of insomnia, Recognize the symptoms of several parasomnias, Describe the symptoms and treatments for sleep apnea, Recognize risk factors associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and steps to prevent it, Describe the symptoms and treatments for narcolepsy. In addition to withdrawal, many individuals who are diagnosed with substance use disorders will also develop tolerance to these substances. Insomnia, a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep, is the most common of the sleep disorders. Caffeine is found in many common medicines (such as weight loss drugs), beverages, foods, and even cosmetics (Herman & Herman, 2013). MDMA (3.4-methelynedioxy-methamphetamine, commonly known as ecstasy or Molly) is a mild stimulant with perception-altering effects. Given that college students are notorious for suffering from significant sleep debt (Hicks, Fernandez, & Pelligrini, 2001; Hicks, Johnson, & Pelligrini, 1992; Miller, Shattuck, & Matsangas, 2010), chances are you and your classmates deal with sleep debt-related issues on a regular basis. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and heavy meals before bed. PSY-352 Health Psychology Flashcards | Quizlet In 2012, Kromann and Nielson reported on a case study of a 40-year-old woman who suffered significant ill effects from her use of caffeine. In fact, abuse of prescription opioid medications is becoming a major concern worldwide (Aquina, Marques-Baptista, Bridgeman, & Merlin, 2009; Casati, Sedefov, & Pfeiffer-Gerschel, 2012). During sleep, the pituitary gland secretes both FSH and LH which are important in regulating the reproductive system (Christensen et al., 2012; Sofikitis et al., 2008).

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