stretch and challenge ofsted

UX Research Programme Posted on October 30, 2015. In case you need help on any kind of academic writing visit website and place your order, Programme Manager/Tutor/Assessor/internal Verifier at Guildford College Group, Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Asking students to elaborate in different ways about the curriculum content can be equally as impactful. When apprentices are progressing nicely through theirprogramme, let them know about the different grades they could achieve atEPA pass, merit, distinction. Also make time for students to construct their own questions and pose them to their peers. If students are producing a piece of homework over a sustained period of time, make sure they are provided with clear structure and steps to success so they can self-regulate. View other students as resources too; group work can prove a nightmare in the classroom if time is not given for students to learn how to operate effectively in a group they wont just be able to work together naturally. Session 1: Examining the Evidence Around More-Able Learners in the Classroom. Stretch and challenge evaluation 1 Executive Summary Claims that A-levels do not stretch the brightest students1 have dogged the education system in England in recent years. Rather than accepting students first responses, giving students an opportunity to practise their response through oral rehearsal results in much more sophisticated thinking. Select a date. Lesson work can be consolidated and extended. To do this, youll need to use the apprentices starting point and create apersonalisedcurriculum that builds on their prior knowledge. 5 key strategies for stretch and challenge - NACE M3 3HN. 1. Are your colleagues running any research projects or courses? View other students as resources too; group work can prove a nightmare in the classroom if time is not given for students to learn how to operate effectively in a group they wont just be able to work together naturally. ADD ANYTHING HERE OR JUST REMOVE IT pros and cons of saturday school Facebook david coulthard daughter Twitter dwayne washington 40 time Pinterest busch stadium 2021 rules linkedin how much did anthony joshua get paid Telegram Strategy 1: Avoid the following teaching styles, Strategy 3:Plan lessons that encourage independence, Strategy 5: Get students involved in the learning process, NQT Secondary Adviser at Herts for Learning - supporting NQT induction. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research. For children to make good or better progress they need to be stretched and challenged by their teachers to maximise their potential. Explicitly teach students how to construct different types of questions to generate engaging discussion.Tasks, resources and groupingsFor many years, stretch and challenge was seen as something for the gifted and talented group. Another useful approach to questioning is a technique commonly used in early years settings, and known as sustained shared thinking (for more on this, see this report on the Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years Project). . This is particularly so where we are asked to argue in favour of a viewpoint that we do not ourselves hold. There is no Elder wand, or potions off the shelf to address the issue in a one size fits all scenario. Calls for Secondary Schools to "improve the quality of teaching and the curriculum to increase opportunities for pupils to work independently, make links with other subjects and tackle more challenging tasks." . Yet what isnt as well promoted is that feedback can also have a negative impact on students. and challenge, and high expectations. Based in the north west of Leeds, Benton Park is a large, successful and oversubscribed school. 5) Imagine what life would be like without the Roman occupation of Britain? Learning Hub Cut it into strips. We have seen many schools create assessment procedures that put the student's cognitive abilities at stage centre. First of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. Thank you! In our quest to make students more independent, we have forgotten that they need to know an awful lot before they are ready to work independently. Moreover, for deep learning experiences to occur and be stored in their long-term memory, they need to be exposed to the information at least three times in different formats. This however has to be achieved without increasing work load or work sheets. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. 4. Students may struggle at first with the increased demands placed upon them. Take on a different perspective that they are not necessarily comfortable with. Mary Myatt recently discussed the idea that schools often talk about 'doing the romans'. Diversity & Inclusion Autumn term events | Pearson UK Click here to review the details. Oops! Key Stage 4 team take on Physics Challenge - Latest News - Colyton Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. Identifying what we can do for 'High Potential Pupils' (HPPs) needs to start with looking at what we shouldn't be doing and why our efforts may be misguided or faulty. Instead of just providing additional learning materials for those who have finished the task, the framework enables children to deepen their learning experiences by changing perspectives and looking at topics from different angles. Stretch and Challenge More Able Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage Support and challenge the most able children within your early years practice. The aim is to encourage students to work for extended periods of time without relying on the teachers constant input. If students are going to work independently, then they need to have a clear goal in mind where the steps to success help students to judge how well they are working towards their goal. who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's leaders and what they achieve. The UTF actions can be carefully ordered into an engaging assessment methodology that gradually increases with cognitive complexity. How to plan ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum From retrieval practice to test-enhanced learning. Our vision is to 'Create a climate of great learning, success . We've encountered a problem, please try again. starters, plenaries, modelling and summarising previous learning or taking questions from the class. Ofsted report View Ofsted report (opens in new tab) School website St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a Voluntary Academy website (opens in new tab) Yet what isnt as well promoted is that feedback can also have a negative impact on students. However, other students will be able to climb all the way down into the chasm to see what is at the bottom, before climbing up the other side. Recent work by Carol Dweck on Growth Mindsets supports such conclusions with an emphasis on providing high challenge and positive, specific feedback. stretch and challenge ofsted - Provide an even greater degree of stretch and challenge for the m ost able disadvantaged pupils . For me, the key to stretch and challenge is to pitch the learning at the higher ability learners. Building on this, parents and carers need to be kept well-informed about their child's progress and have a good understanding about how they support their child's learning at home. Part of the Government response to this has been to introduce a policy of 'stretch and challenge', which features different question styles in new A-level examination . Now, in my work as an education consultant and teacher trainer, one of the areas I am asked to support schools with most often is "stretch and challenge". Quay Street, jetblue flights to destin florida . If an apprentice is fluctuating between grades, it could encourage their employer to offer a little more support and help them achieve the higher grade. 10 stretch and challenge ideas you can easily use in your classroom Places cost 99. So how do you know when apprentices are ready for that extra push? Hold your stretch. The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. Thanks for taking the time to complete this form, submit the form to get the tool. stretch and challenge | Hartsdown Academy We sometimes forget that learning is hard work, particularly the thinking part. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. Teachers must think carefully about how a task is scaffolded and carefully selecting resources so all students can access the most challenging work. Routines/Habits: The things you do all the time, in every lesson. 3. Effectively incorporating choice means setting the bar high and expecting all students to produce excellent work but acknowledging the route to producing this work may be different depending on the students needs.Teachers must think carefully about how a task is scaffolded and carefully selecting resources so all students can access the most challenging work. 1. Students can demonstrate an array of abilities through the spoken word without being anxious about the quality of handwriting or grammatical structure. Using an apprenticeship software like OneFile tomeasure progress will motivate learners to complete more learning, increase their progress and reach their targets. Through advice and Q&A sessions, our speakers will provide you with the tools needed to do this and confidently tackle the challenges that can arise inside and outside the classroom. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit informs us that homework in secondary school can have a significant impact on student outcomes. . Use Title Questions. Much classroom discussion centres upon the teacher initiating discussion by asking a question, choosing a student to answer and then acknowledging whether the answer is correct. PDF Gordano School Embedding Stretch and Challenge - SSAT Ego-driven feedback, focusing on the student rather than the task, and grades rather than comments, leads to a decrease in student progress.Feedback needs to be framed in such a way that it is clear to the student what their learning gaps are and how they can close them before moving onto new learning. They give employers validation that their, During the initial assessment, you can find out the learners prior learning not just against English and, , but against all the KSBs in the standard. Teaching assistants can ensure that they work alongside students to get into the habit of chunking tasks down into clear steps for success, asking metacognitive questions and verbalising their thinking, which will lead to the creation of excellent work. Finally, celebrate and showcase students homework as this will encourage students to keep challenging themselves as their efforts wont have gone unnoticed.ConclusionWhatever approach you take, embedding a stretch and challenge model in your classroom takes time. Lead Practitioner of MFL - St Antony's Roman Catholic School, a In current high stakes education such a thing is dangerous. This may seem like a pretty obvious statement to make but often, without recognising it, we set a limit on what we think students can do.Stretch and challenge is knowing your students really, really well, through a combination of scrutinising a range of hard and soft data to enable us to make the best decisions when planning for students learning.Once youve diagnosed your students strengths and barriers to learning, there are a whole host of options you can implement to raise the bar in your classroom. I fully recognise that issuebut I'm also quite relaxed about using well understood terms to describe groups of learners who at any given time need more stretch and . All of these resources are available for our members to use across their school. It can also be useful for high-attaining learners to explain something they understand easily to a child who doesnt get it so quickly. The registered office is: 6th Floor, Cornerblock, This approach has meant that classrooms can take on adopt an 'access and challenge' agenda. Another frustration teachers experience is when students hand in work that is just not up to standard due to carelessness or lack of effort. Apart from the issue of how time-intensive this model is, there are two ways it obstructs challenge.First, only a handful of students are forced to participate those that are chosen by the teacher. Apprentices will have access to the samequality oflearning, butwont be repeating work or learning about things they already know, so theyll have more opportunity to progress. Hand over the randomly sorted strips to a team of students, who then have to re-assemble the essay in the correct order. Something went wrong while submitting the form. 3. Try one or two out and then discuss your experiences with a colleague. Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals, Differentiation/ Stretch&Challenge Training. This is an exciting opportunity for an exceptionally talented colleague to join our vibrant and ambitious school as a Leader of Geography. Ofsted reports have identified a range of good practice in parental engagement. Back off to the point where you don't feel any pain, then hold the stretch. Prepare a speech to convince the rest of the class to take a particular action. Top Revision Tips: 10 ideas for the classroom, The Knight in Shining Armour: coming to the rescue, Blue Peter Heres one I Prepared Earlier: pre-digested resources, Negator of Challenge: over simplifying and over scaffolding, Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students, Life Support Machine: creating need not independence, The nodding dog: over praising and giving approval too readily, Have a starter that students can be doing from the moment that they enter the room to ensure a prompt start to the lesson, Use homework to prepare students for the learning in the lesson, Prepare learning resources that students can use independently without reliance on you, Set a strict time limit for speaking to the class. 4) Find suitable adjectives to describe these benefits? We all know that we need to be stretching students whatever their starting points, we know that we have to challenge every child in a class. Using a framework for teaching enables educators to outline bespoke learning opportunities for the entire class ability range. Using the Universal Thinking Framework's question and answer stems enable classrooms to set up interactive experiences that develop pupils' passion for learning. In this approach, the childs thinking is developed through the use of a serve and return conversation in which open-ended questions are asked to build understanding. Information for universities, Terms Neil Mercer's work has shown us that oral reasoning skills affect cognitive skills. Socratic questioning is a very useful way to increase the level of difficulty of your questions, because it asks learners to dig down into the thinking behind questions and to provide evidence for their answers. teachers and school leaders working in secondary education across the UK. Something went wrong while submitting the form, Classroom Management and aggressive behaviour. They are likely to be autodidacts reading widely around a favoured subject at home to find out more. Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . The concept of "stretch and challenge" can be incorporated into all elements of teaching work including planning lessons, setting objectives, developing resources and working . The expectation should be that every student is required to think deeply and make a contribution to discussion. Taking the lid off - stretch and challenge in the classroom - SecEd Introduction This chapter addresses two related concepts: differentiation and 'stretch and challenge'. We had an excellent team and all of us contributed to our end result, which was of course encouraging in the face of looming GCSEs. CPD: Stretch and Challenge Ideas (teacher made) - Twinkl Stretch and Challenge. As apprentices are progressing through the curriculum, you can set stretch and challenge activities to help them build advanced knowledge. However, this type of differentiation is the most time-consuming for teachers in terms of planning. The tasks that push pupils vary enormously by subject. Differentiation and 'Stretch and Challenge' Lecture - This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on incorporating stretch and challenge into the PE curriculum, thereby ensuring that it sets high standards and ambitious aims for all pupils, aligned with government expectations. Please view our Terms and Conditions before leaving a comment. stretch and challenge across a wide range of learning contexts. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. However, taking . Once youve diagnosed your students strengths and barriers to learning, there are a whole host of options you can implement to raise the bar in your classroom. This requires a depth of awareness of where each child is and . You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Designing activities to really stretch pupils, Stretching a learners thinking with the Universal Thinking Framework, Stretch and Challenge activities using visual tools, Using resources such as 'Writers Block' to stretch students comprehension, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework. RPL Funding Calculator Schools not doing enough to support most able students I recently read on twitter that a teacher's lesson had been graded as needs improvement by Ofsted because the children appeared to be able to do the work they had been given. Breathe normally and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds; in problem areas, you may need to hold for around 60 seconds. Book your free demonstration today. Follow along to this full body stretching routine to get flexible fast - perfect for anyone from beginners to. SecEd prides itself on being written by teachers, for teachers and offering a positive and constructive voice for Ofsted strategy 2022-27 - GOV.UK The learning objectives can be seen as a compass (giving the task direction) whilst the challenge activities are carefully mapped out to cater for the broad ability spectrum. The expectation should be that every student is required to think deeply and make a contribution to discussion. Have a clear mindset: "Maybe I was never flexible BUT, it's something I CAN work on". Using frameworks such as solo taxonomy and blooms enables educators to explore the academic potential by subtly reframing the learning objective. Students may struggle at first with the increased demands placed upon them. Setting up choice can be a tricky one to get right and, if done badly, can be detrimental to stretch and challenge if students choose less cognitively demanding tasks. progression Homework gives students greater freedom to demonstrate what they really know and produce quality work. To go one step further, the graphic organisers included in the membership are an engaging tool for adding shape to your pupils thinking. Find out what practical measures you can take to make sure everyone is thinking for themselves. _(Ofsted 2012) 25.5% A-A* (GCSE); 20% A-A* (A2); 80% success at Oxbridge 2014 SSAT G&T Lead School -North Somerset Aspire G&T Coordinators -Head of Learning -Assistant Head Accelerated Curriculum - ZStage not Age Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. #TLT14 Feedback matters by @Shaun_Allison, Scaffolding instruction using the workshop model in pbl, Stretch and challenge big question lesson planning. Stretch and Challenge: A teacher's guide - Structural Learning and, yes, I'm talking quietly because everyone else is asleep. Using an apprenticeship software like OneFile to. Knowledge Organisers: There's been a lot of discussion about these, especially from those in favour of their use. Harris Academy Tottenham - Ofsted Maybe occasionally, this approach should be used, but my advice is to avoid where possible. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. It goes on to discuss why differentiation is relevant, indicates . Primary PE Stretch and Challenge | The National College stretch and challenge ofstedjack paar cause of death. This can range from simple things like answering a 6 mark question in 4 minutes instead of 5. Set your Intention to stretch: "I will [Stretch] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].". One simple strategy is to ask the class to write down the things they already know about a topic, before you begin to study it, and any questions that they want answered during your studies. Whatever they are, make sure theyre personal to each learner. We used to teach subjects and classes - now we teach students. Description. What Ofsted is looking for in 2021 - covering curriculum, assessment Her new book, Stretch and Challenge, from Bloomsbury Education is out now (ISBN: 9781472928405) priced 22.99.

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