scott mckay patriot streetfighter

Its no point in me repeating the same ground because it doesnt make any sense. Ill take it, give it to me. So were going to end this is we make it known and we all stand up together. Tell you what, he must be a pretty steady hand. I was right yeah i cant take my phd because that data stand to this day its not funny because in COVID-19 data dont matter were all forced in masks or at least there was you know part of the scientific community that that recognized a scholars obligation in an age of corruption was to tell the truth no matter the cost well essentially only a half dozen people around the world are doing that now and therefore what youve what youve got is the the millions that have already been killed the 10s of millions that have been scared into getting these toxic shock or wearing or wearing these face divers you know and and and where people like happened in the event there are no medically approved mass there are no fda approved mass theres you know and and and i was wearing you know no different than any than anybody else so id warn on several other flights and heres our militant flight attendant who happened to notice i was wearing my red meat we the people hat and it was a clear setup i sent you all the details of that in your email and we can post this and and we can talk about that that officer that doesnt deserve to wear the the uniform as he he beats a 63 year old woman you know i can say his name online and maybe people can rough him up there in santa barbara if youd like, 26:54 And so were saying what bullshit This is in the entire time theyre going over the loudspeaker saying you know, masking is federal law you have to wear this you have to wear that no bandanas and were all sitting there saying its not a law there is no law show me the code of law you know this app call the sheriff you know you cant be saying this over the loudspeaker but were just sitting there saying is and and but were wearing the mask the whole time. this is where you say a duty right here, 43:05 Its like a horse race with these folks. But youre you are you are showing our viewers that in this, you know, theres a lot more, theres over 10,000 people wanting you to hear and hearing your story. I mean, they make fun I wouldnt be here without Big Pharma. As I said, Im going to go as far as I can. For the Latest Palbulletin posts please visit: Want to know what General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne and others are posting on social media? It was a rewarding career that allowed him to own and operate several high end private fitness and wellness . Thats a difficult one for many people, because its far its far outside of the parameters of things that weve been taught to understand. Its simply a preference. The weakest person, right? If you purchase something from these links we or the owners of those links COULD get paid for that. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? I want to talk for a minute about I got a quick update, Im gonna read you that I got days ago. that from the beginning like you came into that airport you were you came through the airport you came through the security you cant and i had this happen to me in in vegas i left here left dallas to go to the conference in vegas i didnt wear a mask the way through the airport and i actually got wheelchair service the whole way through so theres even more eyes on you when youre going through that and you want to walk that distance i was having bad length day and then i go to ces this is gonna shock you i get on the airplane im flying southwest i really love these people i go the whole way nobody says a single word to me with no mass not one word i get out in the plane of the airport through the airport in Vegas, you know, get to the Trump Trump hotel. You have ALLOWED me to continue this fight. Youre hurting me Leave me alone. Pastor Dave from His Glory has a great conversation with Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay. Whats that mean? By the way, Dallas, just so you know, there is an event in on the tour on the weekend of Memorial Day weekend here in Dallas. Santa Barbara. +Scott McKay+ -Patriot StreetFighter- == Asymmetric - Survive the News This Tomahawk wielding 'Patriot Streetfighter' is terrorizing school So the producer who is Nick sirsi hes been hes probably known best for he sat he sat in for rush limbaugh before. But I want you other police officers out there to hear this. But they know, I gotta go read and when I can, and try to figure things out. And they said not a word. So Ill send you Yes, we can make it we can make it public, I believe is that I dont know his name. The infiltration into this movement have tried to try to wake people up, its going to probably get nastier. Guess which one do you think Im wearing? What does that mean? But when you have some technology that can basically look at predict future events. Find the YouTube icon because whatever channel on YouTube that we have active that were going to be broadcasting on, itll be there. But for to hear you telling this story. Ive said this whole time, Im going to tell you what Im seeing and what Im hearing you decide youre right, Ill tell you what Im seeing and hearing you piece it together with the other stuff is out there. Youre now on the radar. Camelot on Telegram. But I want to see if we get him out of it. PAYPAL ACCEPTED: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD OR PREFER TO PAY VIA PAYPAL SIMPLY MAKE A 1 YEAR PAYMENT COST OF 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION is $36 AND simply email me your payment receipt: [emailprotected] Then I will send you a One year access. Got to get the radio show prepared for yet. This is just todays pickup, right? Not here Yeah, exactly. Ive got this weed the E book people had on and Ive got the glasses. How can I help so theres so many people who reached out to me other people who sent me these bits of john kerry and and I wanted a shout out to the Buffalo Bills football player who stood up in uproar on a plane and defended you know, another another black man on the plane who was being bullied by the stewardess and said, No, this is your problem. So, you know, Tony Fauci, I told the story in plan demmick, which which aired first, may 4, the first part of plan demick, that 28 minute piece of that probably eight hour conversation. You have to be discerning, of course. access to the good Karens out there. Click below to find out more about Operation Tomahawk! So Ill get some more information about that those of you who are in Maryland, or New Jersey, certainly pa New York and the surrounding states, if you want to come to spend that weekend or two days, I guess Ill be there with Franny, Francine and Alan upfront in the prophetic, talk about that event coming up. Why? With the exception of the ones I mentioned, louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, a couple other patriots in there. Send us a message on Facebook. And you need to wake the hell up and you need to start thinking for yourself and not having everybody do all of the work for you. You know, like give me the mascot get on a plane or like now you get to put it on like so I put it on my chin strap. (Recommended). So folks, um, what were going to talk about tonight, I was lucky enough to to have people that knew Dr. Judy. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. Show 24 36 48 View as Save 9 % Patriot Street Fighter Collagen Peptides - Hydrolyzed Type I and III Collagen 10oz (283g) $31.95 $28.95 Patriot Street Fighter Collagen Peptides - Hydrolyzed Type I and III Collagen 10oz (283g) Note: Moisture could cause clumping of the product. 2:18 None of us know everything we know bits and pieces. Youre hurting me. Anyways, address if you go to the thread the description in here, Ill say it out loud. But you know what, what we need to do is go to these city council meetings or any of these other meetings where these people are held responsible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. LAST CHANCE! Join Scott McKay TONIGHT at 8:30 PM (EST) for "Ask the Expert," EXCLUSIVE to AMP Insiders ONLY! Talk about stepping out into stepping into the Dragons Den and making a film like that about Hollywood and hes a career Hollywood guy. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldnt want to miss this. Tonight? movie theater where we were seeing Tim Cook diesels film with them. hi im scott mckay the world is that is that and i am your host on that tipping point on revolution radio where every monday from eight to 10pm eastern we bring you the latest in this ensuing takedown of this global criminal empire thats an image of strength youll get the raw hard truth here on the tipping point to come join us mondays eight to 10pm, 1:16:20 Ive done nothing wrong. And heres, heres an article. I know a short time later in a in a bank in in Texas. We hope you dont mind as its expensive to pay for bandwidth and time to do this. Hey, my hat is up my Tomahawk is off to you. Theyre theyre CME approved, just use these slides and change the background. You might get sick. And this is kind of a this is my narcissistic t shirt actually. I mean, Im afraid if I saw you walking somewhere I might even hear banging together. 'Never Again': Israeli Foreign Minister Visits Germany with an Eye on The enslavement issue. This is why they target six police officers here to building downtown Dallas in murder assassin because of the shit we back the blue, we back the blue, but but in the masses, but its these policies and these cowards, that have to be routed out and theres a theres a small amount of and then you get the bureaucrats, the police commissioners, the DA funded by source and these other minions that follow them because these arent real men. 3-2-23: 3.2.23 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay ROUNDTABLE w/ Mike engage in conflict that was out of line with our mission isnt submission it prefers to handle the journey never i will never send troops anywhere on a mission of that kind without telling them that if somebody shoots at them they can darn well shoot back, 1:15:31 We have to end this nightmare forever. Lets say you go to the channel that you were on the last show and youre like, Hey, whats going on? Yeah, you know youre targeting me. We all think we know everything about everything I hear. i locked about a house which is my office its raining, 1:06:37 Fort Worth. We hope you dont mind as its expensive to pay for bandwidth and time to do this. 8:51 And as we we told many of these, we build many of these events in our book plague of corruption, and well tell a lot more when Frank resetti talks for the first time in our upcoming book, ending play. But um, you know, Im, Im defined by that time. Thats an Apache. We know those first. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! Thats what I mentioned, I hung around geeks and people that were you know, these kinds of people, because this is where the power is. Walk through both of them with the mask on. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. But anyway, you can do that there are people standing up everywhere. But the fact of the matter is is theyve overstepped their bounds theyre called her mandate if you want but this people when I when I call these institutions, even you cant capitalistic institutions. There. Due to the continued censorship on Youtube, Project Camelot will now be subscription-based. These people get into this echo chamber, and they cant think for themselves. The same the same silver mask on you know, obviously its no problem Im I can breathe through it because thats in my doctor actually gave it Jimmy one of my doctors anyway so we they get up they call first class I get up to get on. This is why coalition jsoc mission sets were deployed to Northern Eastern quarter of Afghanistan, mining, what are called time crystals, which are diamonds. We are using a secure payment processor called STRIPE. Because if ours pick up if our donations pick up, and I cant tell if its strictly because of that, or because thats a day, we will not announce fundraising, if ours pick up and theres drop off. 0:20 I know theres going to be a an event in town. I got a call today. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure they were clear who, 23:07 So, I mean, you know, you know, we wed hand them the same drug, and one of thems aids, you know, I call it AIDS patient, then they have cachexia they cant metabolize food. Im like, Im never wearing that. Now, what are we all here we went in there because of weapons of mass destruction. Spurlock. So any, you know, were gonna make sure that we stay, you know, on the sidelines, we dont get in the way of that schedule, I have no idea what the schedule is, I just heard this, its just, its just my natural, you know, thought processes hate, lets make sure that, you know, we have a clear path. Become a Project Camelot Member today and gain access to all NEW SHOWS AND VIDEOS PLUS over 800 above top secret videos and blogs! Press Esc to cancel. Let's Break the Censorship Together, Opt in and Spread the Word! Right. So when you get a chance to get to get a chance to meet him. You cant hear all that stuff. Its patriot Street Fighter air support. So therefore, you want to be prominent. Lets see. Scott still doesnt have an email automated email system for you folks yet. You may breathe fumes. Whats in a business deal for this move that move? Got fork in Mackay. was that my heritage as well and share of math reached out to me a few days after the event and said I heard what happened? Again, its on the trains, its on. The Tour is a whole separate animal. So I wont say it yet. I shooed him away and lock the door. Join here for free For those who joined up alreadycontact me hereso I can add you to the queue for adding your invite link on Survive the News. Well, that asymmetric warfare, you know, attack the messenger. And Ive been in these environments like Matt never got a chance to say hello to Scott or whatever. Because I pretty much stay stay out in the crowd as much as I can. He is a Trump and MAGA loyalist and he is always extremely passionate when he talks about how the United States military . From the police commissioners who are bureaucrats, theyre politicians, theyre installed by your top cop these DBAs who are funded by Soros, to do exactly this to oppress the people, those of you law enforcement officers out there that know what Im talking about. (Black Conservative Perspective), Patriot Lawfare with Peter Ticktin and Russell Newman, Gold Silver and Crypto update for 02/28/23 - Why is the Rothchild's getting delisted. So it says oh my god, you mean all those sequences we saw in the 80s real contagious cancer boats right through your little mass concentrated on your little mask as you compromise your immune system but silver copper is antiviral and anti microbial. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* And the ball game goes 10,000 innings, so I wouldnt buy too deeply into, you know, if its now or never. I see seeing things rise up in two weeks and like Who are these clowns? Im like, Well, you know what? Want to share news with us? Well be in. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. We make seminal discoveries they call us city, its all along one paper I remember on the gene expression, the epi genetics and how HIV could could regulate how that latency my PhD was latency in that that monocyte macrophage that innate immune cell and how it activates and if you simply so the that my PhD thesis committee said based on your thesis will Magic Johnson die of HIV AIDS and everybody was dying in 1991. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Email *Your Message *NameSEND MESSAGE. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. COA and Hemp Information. 48:03 Anyways, Ill look here Really quickly see if theres anything in the threads. But lets not forget, Robert is the main organizer, and carrying the expenses of this tour. This is enough. I go into the gate area. 42:28 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. And of course, they brought it up and I said, My typical Ive got an irrevocable National Medical. Well, youre wearing a mask, youre breathing in co2 and youre capturing those toxic fumes. Bullshit. Im with them. And its tough to find out where we are. Get Cool Gear & Fund STN - Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen visited Germany on Tuesday for diplomatic meetings aimed at countering the Iranian nuclear threat. Enjoy. course I do live stream it from here as well. So at that point, when I started loading a plane, Im putting up resistance, your comms manager, whatever. Popular Mechanics, radioactive diamond battery will run for 28,000 years. And Im sitting there, whats he doing? He gives a daily podcast but this video (below) was one of his most popular and succinct explanation of what has transpired since the . SCOTT MCKAY: THE ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER, ruling elite secret societies and conspiracies, CAMELOT IN EGYPT REVIEWS FROM OUR FELLOW TRAVELERS, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY CYNTHIA BREED: SECRET SPACE, DIMENSIONS AND MORE, SCOTT MCKAY: ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER: PART TWO, KERRY WITH PATRIOT UNDERGROUND: REVOLUTION AND TRUMPS SPEECH, MELISSA CODY: AI, WEB BOTS AND THE MILITARY, NINO RODRIGUEZ / KERRY CASSIDY: ON THE EVE OF THE ELECTION. But if you want to watch that show as I do it on Radio Live simply go right to this channel patriot Street Fighter 11 hang out for a little bit because right at the top of the hour Im gonna go ahead and click live stream we will be live this is one guest you supply I say that about all the guests because we get Do you guys agree? Im Dr. Judy. Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter with Mr Constitution - YouTube So Ill be flying in for that. So um, you know, she concurs you know, the pilot comes out of the cockpit with the blue paper mask on and Im thinking to myself, I dont want to fly in a moron wearing that toxic Mac Oh gosh, the frickin blind dont do that. I get it. Thats where theyre going to be. From from Big Pharma sign up big looks like I said Big Pharma I beat him I beat the hell out of them because they have overstepped their bounds they saved my life. its alright come on into were on the were on the radio here come say hi, 1:07:02 But I didnt think we would be going down this path. If it gets to be something like that. Yeah. This says, Yeah, this is kind of off that path of where we were going. And they try to say my name is and I said Mike Have it. We havent forgot about you, you know, were focused here at home, were going to get this done here. past me for a while until somebody young fella had a seizure behind me. The two patriots have a great discussion about a number of political topics. So that was quite a week, were going to continue, I suspect, well set sail on this without being fully funded, likely continue to hopefully fund it along the way. 2.17.23 Patriot Streetfighter Econ Update with Dr Kirk Elliott Whiplash Notes - March 6, 2023 2:27 And Im just, Im growing up the hard way watching this stuff. Want to share news with us? This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 50:42 immunology, well learn the depths of that are correct me on that, Dr. Judy, but you have been on the front line, if I remember, properly is back accurately was back might have been the 80s when we were looking at the HIV explosion in a very critical time. When designing a unique treatment plan for your specific ailment, he believes in involving his patients and families in the decision-making process. Thank you Scott for being OUR warrior!! Lets just call her Karen is standing at the door. Scott McCay: Patriot Streetfighter - Big Corp Titans Exiting, What's But guess what Karen, Karen shows up the gate attendant, she shows up and it goes this way. so were yeah so hes i dont know why my face is all right i was out on the beach before i jumped on this call but yeah so anyway thats thats the end of the story so he says well you know if i take these handcuffs off you know youre signing this thing and im like yeah motherfucker you take those handcuffs off and youre lucky you dont get my foot right in the middle of your balls oh wait a minute you dont have any you know i love, 1:08:46 Watch Today. Anyways. Proudly powered by WordPress And thats what the end of our book plague of corruptions shows, you know, but for Frank crosetti, we wouldnt have had that solution, we wouldnt have been able to our book plague of corruption, red light prophecy, the government captured it, it was already written in press in August of 2019. See for me in Santa Barbara Ventura area where I live. You dont immune activate somebody with a retroviral infection spread through its body, his body and kill them with another infection. And of course, most of if not First, we often cave in because they want to career. All this is bullshit. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You get to me and I will bring you together other people like Sheriff Mack and work with him on that initiative to bring you you people you patriots, the law enforcement people there, theyre there. I promise you it doesnt think thats the question youre asking last appointment to a new place, same thing. Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. You know, comes back a couple times. (Recommended). And this is what happens like these people like Santa Barbara, its his left wing as it gets. SCOTT MCKAY: THE ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER. They come. 1:42 You know, nice white, whatever, no mask, but its just a constant bullshit game. Scott McKay aka The Patriot Street Fighter breaks down what's going on behind the scenes of Donald Trumps presidency and the military's role in it, Q, the possibility of JFK Jr being alive and why our world is going to be shocked to the core, before being changed . Its time people to say, You know what? I appreciate the donations that have come in to you from rdss promotion. I get to bring my bike over there today. Because that means youre going to go look for yourself, okay? I was on the phone today with a police officer from a certain city here in Texas. And I hate to say this, but if I cant get a chance to meet a number of you while were there. Is this a badass like a UFC fighter the bit, you know, is, you know, became a doctor, I dont even know. And at that time, Im remembering what my friend Dr. Laurie says, Did you get it on film? That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. You know, hopefully we get a little, you know, get a little intro to general or Sydney. So God bless you. I like him already. So I did read through that. Now, do you understand when I say were going to put all this stuff? And its not the end of the road for the casualties we have. And and he shoves me into the hand put in the handcuffs with my mask taking you know, takes my mask off. Or Linwood, maybe get a little footage of those guys, I will be out of course on the floor. We know the Dallas Buyers Club where Matthew McConaughey he got an Academy Award several decades later, where there were forcing these young men to get Oh, hepatitis vaccines, anybody in a higher risk category. And and last time I use silver copper. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. NEW VIDEOS AND SHOWS will be available only through subscription while past videos will continue to be free on Youtube. Im the SEC person on I stand in the line in a jet go down the jet way the two ticket agents one of them on the rights the guy hes the one over the loudspeaker telling you the law. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! Theyre at least not dangerous. Patriot Streetfighter - Scott MacKay And and I and I basically, unfortunately, you know, she goes up and she goes in, shes she gets the pilot and theyre going, theyre going to call security and theyre going to do whatever theyre going to do. Like I said, I told somebody yesterday, I didnt I didnt know, I didnt think we would be on this path. Go to Scott

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