suspect podcast cameron

However, these phone calls indicate that this was a lie, and he was already awake at the time this happened (and, at the very least, subconsciously thinking about Arpana). Alanis' head was forcefully slammed to the ground and "Galarza violently punched and hit Alanis' head, face and body as his blood spilled to the ground.". They dance and drink. Roughly two months after the trial began, after weeks of gridlock, the trial would end with a hung jury. This was paired with several inconsistencies in Emanuel Fair's story; which included - but was not limited to - calls he had made during the time of Arpana's murder. Eventually, they would reach out to a family friend, Jay B. Its probably a spoiler to tell you at this point that the team doesnt end up solving Jinagas murder. It was around 3:00 AM on November 1st (Saturday) when the apartment's Halloween party began to die down; at which point, Arpana began returning to her apartment to catch some sleep. He later told investigators that he was sexually attracted to Arpana, and was hoping to "hook up" with her that evening (his words, not mine). At points, C.J. Oh, you like podcasts? For Arpana's parents, they had to grieve not only the loss of their oldest daughter, but an inspiring and bright young soul that had managed to accomplish so much in such little time, and seemed poised to accomplish great things in the future - not only professionally, but personally. Oh, Loosey! Now, nearly two years later, Emanuel Fair was being charged with 1st-degree murder and was transferred to the King County jail to await trial. The best musical instrument is a love triangle. The Wagner opera returns to the Met for the first time in 17 years. But theres also a kind of incredible energy that went into every part of this; as much as it all sort of ended up with everyone feeling haunted, this was a lot of people trying to do what they thought was right, in most cases. Suspect is a lot more successful in the latter mode, if only because the series wraps up with yet another genre convention: the original mystery resolves inconclusively. According to this caller, the body had been found in an apartment just north of Marymoor Park, the scenic park and music venue east of Seattle, jutted up against Lake Sammamish. Prosecutors made it clear that they'd be pursuing a life sentence, due to the brutality of the crime (not the standard 35-45 year sentence for 1st-degree murder). And they're a couple of names that you might be familiar with. As if that wasn't bad enough, the killer had then sprayed motorcycle oil and other chemicals all over the 24-year-old's body, which they had then attempted to light on fire, not knowing that oil isn't flammable. Short of clear leads and smoking guns, the authorities ultimately pin the crime on the lone Black man at the party, Emanuel Fair, who had a prior criminal record. In it, she spoke about her love of working with computers and using them to innovate new and exciting things and spoke about working with companies in the future to do just that - innovate - before following in her father's footsteps to become a professor. After leaving work, she would stop by a store to pick up some Halloween decorations, and began covering her apartment as other people began returning home and donning their costumes. To-date, Arpana Jinaga's murder remains unsolved. Suspect: S1 E1: The Halloween Party - Wondery In addition to being strangled-to-death by what appeared to be a bootlace, Arpana had endured other injuries before her death, which included (but was not limited to): a handful of blunt force blows to the head, the breaking of several teeth during the confrontation with her killer, being gagged by her own underwear (which the assailant had used duct tape to keep in place), and was then forcibly raped for an unknown extent of time. What drew you to this story, and why now? The oil would contribute to the odd smell throughout the apartment, and was reportedly found all over the carpet of the bedroom. The prosecution would paint a portrait of Fair as a repeat offender, who met Arpana at the Halloween party and then became infatuated with her. But a check of his online activity would reveal that at around 10:00, he had printed out maps for local pawn shops. Sarah Neilson is a freelance writer and book critic based in Seattle. In that case, police learned everything they needed to know from the crime scene itself. Friends recall that she spoke of opening an animal sanctuary for endangered species in the future. The case is described to us as a true whodunit, one that relies purely on circumstantial and DNA evidence because there werent any witnesses to the killing. The following Monday, her body would be discovered inside of her apartment, the victim of an apparent homicide. At some point in the evening, it would be reported that Arpana got into a verbal argument with a male partygoer. Episode 1: The Halloween Party | Suspect | Full Episode The twelve jurors, who had originally leaned 9-3 in favor of acquittal, had been sent back to deliberate before ultimately coming up with a split decision (6-6 in favor of guilty/not-guilty, 5 of whom believed that "C.J." Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. The autopsy revealed that Arpana had been strangled and asphyxiated to death, roughly two days before her body was discovered. Theres a narrative buildup toward the presentation of a maybe suspect being the likely culprit. They then recalled the sound of running water for upwards of an hour; which they just assumed was Arpana taking a late-night shower but was probably the killer attempting to cover up the crime scene. When asked about this impromptu trip to the Canadian border, C.J. claim that over the next several days and weeks, he made vague statements alluding to him going over to Arpana's apartment in his sleep; which, when you factor in him having quit psychiatric medication a short time prior, seems worrisome. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Joel Alonso Alanis-Mejia, alleges the county jail system has a history of jailers using excessive force against inmates. TrueAllele was utilized heavily by this investigation and was able to come up with results that were far more definitive than anything the crime lab itself had been able to determine. Posting comments is now limited to subscribers only. A lot of stuff has not been analyzed yet. The crime scene itself was a maelstrom of forensic evidence because more than a dozen people had been inside of Arpana Jinaga's apartment just hours before her death, attending the Halloween party. However, this case would prove to be much harder to solve for investigators; many of whom had not worked on a murder case in quite some time (if at all). The jailers are further accused in the lawsuit of fabricating their statements. She was last seen by numerous people leaving an apartment on the first floor - where the party had ended up - and was heading back up to her apartment on the third floor (the top level of the complex). In fact, DNA from several men was found at the crime scene, including several of Arpana's neighbors and fellow partygoers. "That same year, Gail Hansen, a chaplain ministering to inmates at Carrizales, provided evidence of commonplace illegal activities under Sheriff Cantu.". In fact, they posited throughout the first trial that he may have been an accomplice; an uncharged accomplice, but an accomplice nonetheless. It gives me a little bit of hope, that something that is relatively complicated is being thought about and talked about in the way that it is. This killer had kicked in the front door to the apartment, which had been locked beforehand by not only the doorknob itself but the deadbolt. It would later be found that other items were missing from the crime scene, including at least one of Arpana's ID cards, her Blackberry (cell phone), and her digital camera; none of which would ever be recovered. After being held in custody for nine years, he was found not guilty of Jinagas murder and released in 2019. This is perhaps another way Suspect embodies a core quality of the contemporary true-crime podcast experience: You might get a little more truth and even a little more justice, but youre still far from closure. There, she would receive her master's degree in electrical and computer engineering in December of 2007. Lt. Brian Coats would later tell reporters about the crime scene: "It was a scene where the suspect or suspects spent a considerable amount of time covering the evidence of crime. The linchpin of their case was forensic evidence: according to prosecutors, DNA from Emanuel Fair had been recovered at the crime scene, on several pieces of evidence that they believe the killer had touched. In the weeks after Arpana's murder, Emanuel Fair was identified through photographs and eventually questioned. We're not giving up.". This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Things you buy through our links may earnVox Mediaa commission. She recalled one of these voicemails sounding like constant movement on the other end, but nothing verbally being said. But it does leave me with a strong sense of want, and a feeling that the genre is long overdue for a quantum leap forward in its language. And when you get to talk to all these different people who are involved in the case at different times, you see how that power manifests itself or doesnt. In a new Wondery podcast series called "Suspect," career journalists Matthew Shaer and Eric Benson investigate the story of Jinaga's murder, Fair's conviction and the spiderweb of details . You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. In October of 2008, a 24-year-old computer programmer living in the Seattle area would attend a Halloween party in her apartment complex. In June of 2005, Arpana was featured in the New Indian Express, in an article titled "Young Inventors." This file contains 75 GB of incriminating details about O'Leary that he has refused to budge on, even after being arrested and sentenced to life in prison. "Classic City Crime," a true-crime podcast hosted by Cameron Jay, centers around the tragic death of Tara Louise Baker. This Valentine's Day, prepare for a unique podcast experience! Despite her not having any experience riding a motorcycle, she planned on using one as her primary mode of transportation. Terms of Service apply. This entire process has become known as probabilistic genotyping, and it's become a pretty integral facet of forensic testing over the last decade or so. He then heard the sound of running water in Arpana's apartment, which lasted for about an hour, but wouldn't give these bizarre sounds any second thoughts in the days to come. Prior to that, she had attended Rutgers University on the east coast, but had grown up in the Indian city of Hyderabad as the oldest of two daughters. We didnt want to make that kind of show. More than a decade later, no one has been held accountable for her murder. A new true-crime podcast delves into the complicated murder case of a rising 24-year-old software programmer in Redmond, Wash. Even forensic analysis has its limits, as King County prosecutors and investigators in the Redmond area learned from this case. Again. In that sense, Suspect is a little bit like the true-crime podcast version of a Gerard Butler movie or a really good episode of Law and Order: an exemplar of its genre, but not a revolutionary, which I sincerely mean as praise. The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times. He was also a longtime friend of Omar Norman, a convicted killer that had received a 52-year sentence for murdering a man in October of 2005. The actions caused Alanis to become startled and turn around, and this is when the attack by the jailers began. Emanuel Fair spent 9 years in jail for a crime he did not commit proclaiming his innocence through two trials, numerous motions, and drawn out judicial delays. Shaer: Its astonishing when you look at a case in this way, the power that every decision has over the rest of the investigation and the trial, the power that individuals have, prosecutors, police, jurors especially. Arpana Jinaga was a 24-year-old computer programmer, who had moved to the Pacific Northwest in March of 2008. Throughout the latter half of 2017 and the entirety of 2018, another lengthy legal battle would ensue. She would begin working there in March of 2008, and a company spokesman would later say that during her brief six-month tenure at the company, she had cemented herself as a hardworking and bright employee, who was considered a "rising star" among the higher-ups at EMC. Mar. And the energy with which many of the people pursued this case it is tragic, what happened. Some were also concerned about his emotional state at the time, due to his prior relationship with Arpana, and him seeming to have become resentful towards her because of her newer friendships. Shortly after moving to Redmond, the 24-year-old Arpana decided to purchase a motorcycle. According to prosecutors, Emanuel Fair claimed to have gone back to his friend Leslie's apartment at around 1:00 AM but would make nearly two dozen calls to three separate women (none of whom were Arpana) between 2:00 and 5:00 AM. Travis Barkers Finger Is Now the Enema of Blink-182 Fans. If they did, youd probably see a news cycle about it by now. As the Seattle Weekly would point out, the Washington State Patrol Crime Lab found that Fair was 1,000 times more likely to have committed the crime than an unrelated African American, but TrueAllele found him to be 56.8 million times more likely. If there was any evidence that pointed to Emanuel Fair's guilt, then it should be considered; but evidence pointing towards the involvement of an "uncharged accomplice" did nothing more than raise reasonable doubt that Fair had even been involved. Speaking to the press, King County's Sr. Deputy Prosecutor Jeff Baird claimed: "The defendant opened the locked door to Jinaga's apartment, attacked her, stripped off her clothing, gagged her, assaulted her and finally strangled her to death.". It remains possible that both (or neither) were involved in this case - as investigators implied over the years - but a successful case has not been built around either. Multiple witnesses had claimed to see Arpana return to her apartment at around 3:00 AM on November 1st, and shortly thereafter, some of her neighbors had recalled hearing "moaning" coming from her apartment (which they assumed was consensual sex taking place). Jason Statham and Aubrey Plaza do not seem like a match made in action-comedy-chemistry heaven, but it somehow works. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Washington needs more than 1 million homes in the next 20 years New episodes of the nine-part series will be released weekly on Tuesdays. was a similarly likely candidate to be Arpana's killer. The team, led by Matthew . There is no apparent reason why someone would want to take this person from the prime of her life.". After all, not everything has to be about something bigger than itself, and theres something to be said about delivering the most polished version of a standard. Unlike Emanuel Fair, he also had a prior relationship with Arpana, lived next-door to her, and had been noticeably resentful towards her in the weeks leading up to her death. At that time, police didn't have anything incriminating linking Emanuel Fair to the murder. The world is a sadder place without her but the people she touched while she was here will remember her for an eternity.". Fair was held in jail for nine years and was twice tried but was never convicted. You see the consequences of a decision, even a relatively small decision. He is also seeking a jury trial. Writing the Atlantic story was a bit of a wake [up] call in all the different ways that DNA can be misused. New 'Suspect' Podcast Explores Halloween Party Murder of - Peoplemag Now inside, Jay and C.J. And when they wake up the next morning, one resident is dead. Despite being a relative unknown in the public sphere, Fair was no stranger to law enforcement, having been arrested nearly a dozen times already, and serving sentences for at least six crimes: which included drug and firearms-related crimes, as well as sexual offenses. throughout this episode - who, it turns out, had been one of the investigation's main suspects early on. After her death, the killer had scrubbed Arpana's body with bleach in an attempt to destroy evidence, and investigators would later note that Arpana's hands had been stained blue by a "highly-acidic" cleaning agent. The residents of the Valley View apartments organize a big costume party. The jury was unable to come to a consensus regarding Fair's guilt, resulting in a mistrial. C.J. Weve got romance, breakups, emotionally loaded dumplings this episode has a little bit of everything! By Monday, Arpana had not yet surfaced and she would fail to show up for work that morning. Yet, it seems like the limp had come from somewhere else, due to him arriving at the party with it; and it was theorized by investigators later on that the wrestling match was an cover by C.J. A tech prodigy from an early age, Arpana seemed poised to achieve great things in life. Meanwhile, the shift in the podcasts emphasis does mean that Jinagas own story ends up fading into the background a little bit. That was surprising. She Hosted a Halloween Party, Then Turned Up Dead: Podcast - MSN Follow Suspect Season 2: Vanished in the Snow on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Breaking down the contenders in the seasons most unpredictable Oscar race. The two hung out often after Arpana moved to the Redmond area, but had begun to drift apart in the weeks before the murder (due to Arpana spending her free time volunteering and participating in her motorcycle club). theres no closure for them, certainly from the justice system. Why did it play out like it did? Another military veteran that has become a suspect in this story is none other than Israel Keyes, who was the focus of a very early episode of Unresolved from 2015 (and has since been covered more extensively in other books, documentaries, and podcasts). The Troubling Trial of Emanuel Fair | Seattle Weekly Just because it never happened doesnt mean they cant get back together. Emanuel Demelvin Fair - who was also known as Anthony P. Parker - was 27 years old when charges were filed against him in October of 2010. Season 2: Vanished in the Snow chronicles the disappearance of 12-year-old Jonelle Matthews. ", "It was a brutal scene. [In the 1980s], you really needed a lot of body fluid, so there was no ambiguity about whose DNA it was. Those pleas would continue to amplify months after Arpana's murder, when it became evident that answers were not readily available. Youve got some Janning to do! Meanwhile, Emanuel Fair's defense attorneys Benjamin Goldsmith and Katharine Edwards emphasized creating reasonable doubt; mostly, by pointing the blame at Arpana's neighbor, C.J., whom, they believed made a more convincing suspect. That said, the meta value of podcasts like this along with magazine features, documentaries, and other media formats more generally tends to be clustered in how it can drum up more real-world interest in the case to a point where it can maybe produce a chance of shaking up more meaningful leads. did nothing but create reasonable doubt (since he could no longer be referred to as an "uncharged accomplice"). While Arpana would show an affinity for art, writing, and even gymnastics from an early age, she seemed destined to follow in her father's footsteps, becoming a bit of a tech prodigy in her teenage years. It was also pointed out by the defense that Emanuel Fair - now standing trial for murder - had been involved in a small accident at the party that resulted in him getting a bloody lip inside of Arpana's apartment (which was verified by other partygoers). According to police spokesmen early on, what investigators were finding indicated homicide - signs of a physical struggle and potential signs of sexual trauma - but they would remain tight-lipped in the days to come. It was important for us to take the case as a whole and consider all the directions that it mightve gone, yes, but not to draw any conclusions. Because this individual has never been charged with any crime, I'll continue to refer to him as C.J., but there is a lot of evidence pointing towards him either having some kind of involvement in this case or, at the very least, knowing much more than he has publicly admitted. Suspect is an investigative series about mislaid justice and the kinds of weighty decisions that detectives, lawyers, and jurors make every day - decisions that, once made, are almost impossible to reverse. 4A former Cameron County inmate is suing the county and two of its jailers for $1 million alleging he was beaten by the jailers while incarcerated. "In 2004, a correctional officer, Lt. Hilda Trevino, blew the whistle on fellow guards' mistreatment of inmates. She had traveled the globe in pursuit of an exciting and adventurous life, made a name for herself in the notoriously-competitive tech sector by the age of 24, endeared herself to dozens of strangers and it had all ended with one senseless act of violence. Whats Next for Convicted Sex Criminals Harvey Weinstein and R. Kelly? It's also a lot more complicated than TV shows and movies would have us believe.

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